With so much on the market, it's crucial to know how to buy CBD safely.

Mon Joint® is your trusted ally in this process, ensuring not only access to high-quality products but also a secure shopping experience that respects your privacy.

The legality of CBD

First and foremost, check the legality of CBD in your country or region. At Mon Joint®, we scrupulously respect the legal framework in force, guaranteeing you safe, compliant products.

Choose suppliers you can trust

Mon Joint's commitment

The key to a safe CBD purchase lies in choosing a reliable supplier. Mon Joint® is committed to offering :

  • Tested and certified products: All our products undergo rigorous testing to guarantee their purity and quality.

  • Total transparency: We openly share the test results and certifications of our products, enabling you to make an informed choice.

  • See the analysis here

Secure payment policy

At monjoint.ch, we understand the importance of security in online transactions. That's why we offer a variety of secure payment methods:

  • PostFinance and TWINT for direct, hassle-free payments.

  • Bank transfer for those who prefer a more traditional method.

Your privacy, our commitment

Your privacy is at the heart of our concerns. Our privacy policy, strictly aligned with the highest standards, guarantees you :

  • Protection and confidentiality of your data: Your personal information is treated with the utmost care, used only in the context of your relationship with Mon Joint® and never shared without your explicit consent.

  • Enhanced security: Our IT security protocols protect your data against unauthorized access.

Mon Joint®, your trusted partner

Buying CBD safely is essential to reap its full benefits.

When you choose Mon Joint®, you're choosing a brand that puts quality, security and privacy first. We are dedicated to providing you with a seamless, secure and satisfying shopping experience.

Discover our selection of high-quality CBD products on monjoint.ch and join our community of satisfied customers. Your well-being is our priority.


CBD Shop Mon Joint